A black&write fellowship winner, Lisa Fuller’s novel presents a warm and loving family, sisters Bella and Cienna, their mother and Gran, and two younger siblings. The language is so natural, you can hear the voices, and recognise that this is a caring Aboriginal family very much in tune with the natural world. A visit to their favourite place, the Washpool, sees the two girls dive deep into the water, and then magically enter a strangely coloured other world full of mystery and adventure.
The book becomes a fantasy adventure, a quest to unite warring factions, save a stolen dragon’s egg, and then eventually find their way back home again. Within this world there are lessons to be learned, about courage, working together, and respect for different ways of doing things.
Bella and Cienna are two very different personalities. Cienna is strong and forthright, whilst Bella is quieter and thoughtful. Each of them learns from the other about how to handle bullying and conflict, whilst still maintaining their individuality.
Entering the magical world that Fuller creates becomes a subtle way for young readers to learn about relationships and collaboration with others. The lessons are never intrusive, it is just such a fun and enjoyable reading experience. I know that readers will be reluctant to leave the world of Muse; fortunately there is a hint that there may be a sequel to come.
Embark on a laugh out loud journey with bestselling author Nick Bland, the creative mind behind The Very Cranky Bear series.
Meet Bling Jollygood: a charming character that is part penguin, part canary, and a full-time undercover reporter. Bling Jollygood is captured by General Doodle-Doo and forced to undertake a special mission. Doodle-Doo has been stealing rare and expensive seeds and storing them in a silo storage facility. Through a giant telescope, Doodle-Doo shows Bling the giant egg-shaped comet hurtling towards earth, straight for their home and the precious stolen seeds.
Bling is forced to quickly assemble an eclectic crew to take a spaceship and blow up the comet and save the planet. In a hilariously named shuttle called Dodo, the crew of Bling Jollygood, a robot rabbit, a tortoise with rockets built into its shell and a bloodhound, set about on their mission. Whether they are creating zany gadgets or devising ways to stop the comet, their adventure is filled with excitement, laughter, and surprising turns. Every character they meet along the way proves to be incredibly helpful - but perhaps a bit too helpful…
Bland is a masterful illustrator, the artwork in Bling Jollygood(The Fairly Secret Files) adds an extra layer of hilarity to the story, capturing all the action and fun. This book is sure to have young readers laughing out loud, as Bland’s trademark humour shines through in every chapter, with a delightful mix of slapstick comedy and clever wordplay. The outrageous situations that Bling and her team face lead to a whirlwind of trouble, creating the perfect combination of silliness and cleverness that will keep readers captivated and entertained.
Themes Humour, Adventure, Animals, Space, Comets.
Ruth Tipping
Jo Weston's Netball Besties: The mystery of Missing Billie by Jess Black. Illus. by Sam Loman
Penguin Random House, 2025. ISBN: 9781761348525. (Age:7+) Highly recommended.
Jo Weston of Melbourne Vixens and Australian Diamonds fame has written a book with characters that are real and relatable. Young readers will engage with, recognise themselves in certain characters and want to know more about their adventures. The Mystery of Missing Billie is book one and opens with best friends Jo and Billie living on a nut farm in the Talma Valley. In the first couple of short chapters, we discover they live on a nut growing farm that they share with Moo-Dini, an escape-artist cow.
We first meet Jo and Billie as they discover that a gate has been left open and the cows are out on the road. With no time to spare Jo and her farm dog and best friend, Billie round up the cows before heading inside to grab her school bag and catch the bus. On the bus a new girl who has moved into the farm next door to Jo gets on and the girls chat all the way to school making them best friends. Both girls love netball which cements their friendship. The book follows the girls through ghost hunting, netball, school, a lost mountain biker, open gates and Billie going missing,
This book is a brilliant new series for those readers who want to move on from the Billie B. Brown style books as it still has short chapters but more writing and less images. I was completely engaged with the characters and can’t wait to share this with my Netball obsessed niece.
I really hope that this series has multiple books in it as I can see if being an absolute favourite. Jo, Billie and Ava need to have lots more adventures together. I would highly recommend this series for primary schools and readers who love Netball, adventures with friends and fun. They fit perfectly in the independent reader category and would suit the read aloud or read along style as well.
The narrator has two grandmothers, one born under a Cancer moon which means she is nurturing and caring, while the other was born in the Year of the Dragon and so is strong and dignified. One is from the East and has brown eyes and makes dumplings, while the other is from the west and has blue eyes and loves to bake cakes. The one from the East is brave and stands up to the army who invaded her village, while the other Grandmother is a healer, and welcomes people into her home where she helps them become well again.
The child feels protected from both the east and from the west. From her grandmother in the east, she learns how to be brave, generous and kind, from her grandmother in the west she learns that she is her biggest fan. Both grandmothers love her from where they live, and the narrator knows she is loved to bits. Their traits are reflected in their granddaughter who is from the east and the west, an identity all her own but with influences from both sides of the world. They share a love, even though they are a long way away, the child can see how she reflects them in her life.
Beautifully ethereal illustrations carry the text on each page. Children's eyes will pore across the pages to seek out the little things included to show the different lives the two grandmothers live, while showing the love that exists between the child and both women.
This lovely book adds to the world of picture books which enable the reader to broaden their horizons and celebrate the multicultural society in which they live, while showing the love and contribution of grandparents even though they may live far away.
Allen & Unwin, 2025. ISBN: 9781761180743. (Age:8+) Highly recommended.
Moonboy, by Anna Ciddor is a beautifully created story that blends history, magic and personal growth in an enchanting way. Through the eyes of ten-year-old Charlotte, the novel explores themes of family, memory and self-discovery, with a touch of magical realism.
At the heart of the story is Charlotte, who is struggling with change. She dreads visiting her Grandpa in the nursing home, unable to reconcile the lively, adventurous man she once knew with the confused and distant figure he has become due to dementia. While spending time at her Nan’s house, she discovers her Grandpa’s old treasure box, filled with memorabilia from his past - including details about the 1969 moon landing and his childhood footy jumper.
In an extraordinary twist, Charlotte finds herself transported back in time when she puts on the jumper. She meets ten-year-old Keith, her Grandpa as a boy, and forms an instant bond with him. This magical experience not only gives Charlotte a deeper understanding of her Grandpa’s past but also helps her navigate her feelings in the present. With newfound confidence, she learns how to reconnect with him, even as his dementia progresses.
Charlotte’s journey is one of growth and transformation. As she navigates her family’s challenges, she gains confidence, forms new friendships and discovers a stronger sense of self. The novel beautifully balances historical elements with a deeply personal story, making it both engaging and poignant.
One of the novel’s standout features is its historical accuracy. The story is enriched with real details about the moon landing and life in the past, making it both educational and entertaining. A special chapter at the end provides interesting factual information, adding depth to the narrative.
Moonboy is a heartfelt and thought-provoking read that reminds us of the power of love, memory and understanding. Anna Ciddor masterfully weaves together history and fiction, making this book perfect for young readers who enjoy emotionally rich and historically engaging stories. An activity sheet and reading notes are available from the publisher.
Themes History, Space travel, Time travel, Dementia, Family.
‘I’m standing in the parking lot of the Marybelle Motor Lodge in Wildwood, New Jersey, and I’m dead.’ This is the startling first line of Plozza’s latest novel which pitches Tegan, one moment riding her bicycle, and then ‘bike-car-splat’, the next moment she is dead, sent to heaven. The Marybelle Motor Lodge has been meticulously recreated for her, the place that is supposed to be her happiest place . . . except that it isn’t. The Marybelle is the worst hotel, green, grimy and damp, with soggy pizza, and a dirty pool with a floating tampon. And for Tegan, it is the failed holiday where her father took her and her little sister Quinn, before they found out that their mother had left them and wasn’t ever coming back.
The mystery is how the Marybelle ever came to be posited as Tegan’s heaven. Her guardian angel Zelda insists she hasn’t made a mistake. In the challenge to identify Tegan’s truest happy moment, the reader is taken back over Tegan’s life, only to learn of the many sad disappointments that she has experienced in her short life of 16 years; the sense of loss, lost friendships, lost mother, lost identity, misery.
Plozza has found a highly original approach to exploring themes common to many in the YA genre, and the reader’s curiosity is provoked to read on. Tegan has to revisit many sad memories, but somehow the overall tone is kept light with a twist of teenage humour that is sure to draw a smile. There is also a hint of romance as Tegan is gradually drawn closer to Zelda, the bright smiling angel that she accuses of getting everything wrong.
Shivaun Plozza is an award-winnning Australian author of highly commended teen novels Frankie (2017) and Tin Heart (2018) as well as a number for middle grade readers. The worst perfect moment is another highly recommended novel.
Nadia is an independent woman in a city becoming increasing overrun by militants who insist on strict behaviour from women. She meets Saeed at night school, and attracted to each other, their relationship blossoms, Saeed having to put on a black overdress to visit Nadia in her apartment. She wears her black cloak through choice which he does not understand, while he prays, an expectation she does not follow.
As the militants make their presence felt, the two become aware that their lives will be overturned and so choose to escape.
People talk of doors to safer places in the west, and through this short tale we see them opening many doors, finally ending up in a refugee camp in San Francisco.
Doors open initially to an island off Greece, then they find a door to Europe, then London. Each place where they stay is beset with problems, but they fit in, using their savings to buy a tent and food, finding work to raise money, befriending other refugees, watching what happens.
Through their eyes we are exposed to the struggles beset by refugees; initially having to leave behind beloved parents, having to trust someone who says they can open a door for you, finding work, avoiding confrontation. Each door provokes a different thought within the reader of just how the couple arrived at each place, calling on their own knowledge to fill in the gaps.
Their time in London is confronting, as it is the one place many readers will know of, so the thought of refugees putting up their tents in Hyde Park, helping build dormitories for the increasing number arriving in England, and when Nadia and Said are able to work for the refugee community, the situation is amazing.
I was engrossed by this little book. The plain unadorned writing style made the problems more accessible, the doors a metaphor for the different methods refugees use to gain access to a safer place. The main characters are wholly credible, their plans for their futures recognisable, their paths to achieving those goals, reflecting a courage we can only watch in awe, reminding us that this could happen to any of us.
Bruce Pascoe’s revelatory book Dark emu, black seeds has now been made into a simplified illustrated version for younger readers – allowing a younger audience to also learn of his research into the agricultural practices of Australian Aboriginal people. Pascoe draws on historical records and artefacts to piece together a picture of Aboriginal settlement before the arrival of Europeans, and contrary to the long held view of the ‘hunter-gatherer’ existence that suited the colonialists’ idea of an ‘empty’ land, he reveals the existence of Aboriginal farming and land care, permanent settlements with houses and storage buildings, and complex aquaculture management systems.
Teachers will welcome this book as an excellent example to show students learning how to research primary sources for their projects. Pascoe includes extracts from many original nineteenth century colonial diaries and reports, and he reevaluates the artwork of colonial artists who showed cultivated fields in their paintings, once dismissed as an English romanticising of the Australian landscape. He urges the putting aside of preconceptions and interpreting with a new eye the original materials. “It is a different way of looking”. Thus the so-called ‘humpy’ was actually a substantial construction that could accommodate many families, the ‘lazy’ fisherman had actually engineered an ingenious fishing machine, and fire was not a threat but a useful tool for tilling and cultivating pastures. Even the Milky Way in the night sky can be viewed anew, to see the darkness between the stars, and recognise the dark emu of Aboriginal Dreaming.
Pascoe has collected the evidence to present the case that the Aboriginal way of life actually met all the criteria of an established agricultural society that lived in harmony with their environment. This is not what the colonialists wanted to see, in their quest to occupy new land. And it is evidence that was destroyed as they took possession, and introduced their livestock.
This is an important book in the study of Australian history – it provides a new perspective to be read and discussed. It needs to be on every teacher’s reading list and in every school library. This latest edition with a beautiful new cover, has a contents page, bibliography and index for those who would like to explore further. So whilst it is presented in picture book format, it is recommended for a wide age range as an introduction to a history that has been too easily covered up.
Themes Aboriginal culture, Aboriginal agriculture, Aboriginal aquaculture, Australian history.
Another in the series co-produced by Puffin and Taronga Zoo, shows a family going to the zoo, beginning with the striking gates, and ending with the ferry trip back home.
The family walks past many animals in their enclosures, and the illustrations show the variety of animals and the variety of enclosures, built with that animal in mind. Kids will love working out how the boardwalk helps visitors watch some of the animals who live in trees, or why there is a moat between the visitors and the animals, or why the hippo lives in a pool, and work out how they can see the tiger so clearly. There is lots to discuss on each page, and kids will love spotting the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background.
Bright illustrations will attract readers to look at all the animals in the zoo and the book will encourage children to look forward to visiting the zoo in the future.
Themes Zoos, Taronga Zoo, Animals.
Fran Knight
Animal opposites at the zoo by Emilie Tavaearii (illus.)
Penguin Random House Australia, 2025. ISBN: 9781761347535. (Age:1-3) Recommended.
A board book about animals is always a winner, and this one (one of a pair, the other being We’re going to the zoo) will sit well with all young kids, eager to see more of a zoo and its inhabitants. And with the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background, they can only be about Taronga Zoo.
Each page opens with a familiar animal and a word describing one of their attributes while the opposite page shows an animal with an opposing attribute. The first page shows a penguin, and we are told he is short, while the next page shows a giraffe, and we are told he is tall.
In this way the readers see two animals that are opposite and can learn the animals’ names as well as the words which describe them.
Over the page we have a tortoise and a cheetah, slow and fast, the next a snake and a hippo, long and round and so on. So, readers get to meet a peacock and a zebra, a rhino and a meerkat, a red panda and a pangolin, a tiger and a quoll, an elephant and a mouse, a monkey and a koala, each time learning a little about each animal as it is compared to another. Altogether it is a delightful way to teach younger readers about animals and differences. Understated illustrations add to a child’s knowledge with a little of the environment that each animal inhabits shown in the background.
A lovely book to introduce younger readers to the animal world, and particularly Taronga Zoo.
Mark Maciver in Shaping up culture, has written a pocket-sized hand book which began as a 'How-to be successful in business' book that grew out of Maciver's blogs and vlogs and evolved into something very much more. Shaping up culture is indeed about building (shaping up) business but additionally and essentially it is about building self and business within the context of culture. This makes it an unusual and timely book in that it looks beyond self-interest and financial gain outwards to the place that business occupies in relation to the community it serves - to the people. To Maciver, successful businesses do not operate and flourish if they are stand alone money-making enterprises built on business plans and buzz words. Successful businesses, he writes, rely chiefly on things like personal mindsets, the strength of networks within the culture in which they exist and 'social credit.'
Maciver is generous in his advice and with sharing his personal philosophy and experiences of setback and success in the building of his professional haircutting business 'Slidercuts' which is based in London. Maciver's internet presence aligns with Shaping up culture. One example is Slidercut's TikTok platform where he describes himself as a barber, speaker and multi-award-winner business person. With his book, Shaping up culture, he must now proudly add - author!
The structure, design and typesetting of Shaping up culture makes reading accessible and attractive. The chapters are listed with page numbers in bold white on black in large, clear font, enabling the time-poor reader to dive in straight to what they want. The chapters clearly signpost what they are about and within each the information is interesting, honest and easy to retrieve. Maciver starts with the all important "Mindset" and there are the expected chapters on "Goals" and "Teamwork" (albeit with the Maciver twist) but then the reader is enticed to read what he has to say about..."You're always in an interview", "The so-called overnight success" etc, etc. The tone of Shaping up culture is another factor that sets the book apart from many self-help/business advice books. Maciver clearly states his position, placing his words within the context of his lived experience. The information offered is logical, sound and free of pontification. He acknowledges the fears and concerns of his readers and pays attention to their perspective. Throughout, reading Maciver is like being in the company of an amalgam of revered uncle and a warm, whip-smart big brother who only wants the best for you.
Maciver speaks to this secular world from a deep religious faith that has sustained him from childhood throughout all the obstacles of life. He doesn't preach; he does quote eg. from Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work at it with your whole heart..." He quotes from many other sources as a lead-in to each chapter and acknowledges those people at the end of the book.
Shaping up culture, would be useful for many people and groups. It is a great book for people in the business world wherever they are on their journey. Likewise it would be a good book for any young person stepping out into life to have beside them. It would be so great to see Shaping up culture in the hands of teachers, librarians, school counsellors, career guidance people, chaplains and pastoral care workers. Equally wherever people are into community building, Shaping up culture has relevance. Thus churches, schools, sporting clubs, service clubs etc could benefit from the wisdom found within its pages especially about building social credit within the community in order to flourish and be successful.
This is the book for anyone interested in shaping up their life and/or their business. This reader would like to place it in the hands of many people and wants it at her own fingertips. However, being a review copy, it will go to a school...or a public library or maybe a son...or daughter...or...
Themes Business, Community building, Life coaching.
Wendy Jeffrey
Brave in every which way by Maddy Mara and Lauren Degraaf
Affirm Press, 2025. ISBN: 9781922806772. (Age:3+)
As the theme of the book is shown in the title, readers will quickly recall what the word means for them, and remember brave deeds within their friendship group, family, and community. But opening the book and reading the verses, readers will begin to see that the author is not talking of the public, heroic acts that people see as brave, rather the everyday things where children recognise their faults and apologise for something they have done wrong or for stepping outside their comfort zone to include someone into their group. Even trying new foods, alien to them, is an act of bravery. It involves stepping outside what is the norm, what is expected and seeing how other people feel, understanding their perspective and empathising with them.
Each double page gives the reader a situation where bravery is needed, and then how it is received. The illustrations used to exemplify that act of bravery show children in situations not uncommon to those of our readers and so will be easily recognised and understood by the target audience.
Bravery is also asking for help when help is needed. It can also mean speaking in front of an audience and refusing to go along with others who call hateful names or try to bully someone. Speaking out is always a brave thing to do, and I love the illustrations supporting these pages showing the long shadows cast by the bullies. When there has been a falling out amongst friends, it is a brave thing to do to repair the rift, and being kind will be seen and treasured by everyone.
The theme of bravery will surprise the readers, expecting a heroic act, but finding that they too are brave most days of their lives: brave in standing up for themselves and others, brave in overcoming their fears, brave in helping someone, and so on. Little deeds mean a lot to others, and help the group get along.
Robin Miller was a trailblazer in the skies. She grew up as a child during WW2, with a pilot for a father and her mother was the renowned author, Mary Durack. She lived some of her early years in the region of Broome in the far north of Western Australia and she was profoundly aware of the tyranny of distance for those who lived there. Her determination to take her love of flying and her compassion for those who lived far from services led her to break ‘a glass ceiling’, or should that be ‘rise above the clouds’, and gain her pilot’s licence and even buy her own plane. This, in combination with her nursing qualifications, enabled her to lead a remarkable polio vaccination programme to remote communities in WA. At a time when women were not expected to pursue careers in aviation, Robin Miller was prepared to soar beyond their expectations. In her short 35 years of life serving the WA outback communities she was able to make a huge impact for feminism, the RFDS and for the aviators who followed in her wake. Taking planes across oceans to bring them to Australia, in an era when this was a risky venture, she demonstrated incredible courage and a true pioneer spirit. She should be better known and esteemed and hopefully this book will do much to make her remarkable story come alive for a new generation.
I loved this simple biography with heart and wings! Robin Miller’s story is brought to a young audience in this compelling book with some of Robin’s own thoughts and reflections scattered through the story. We are able to fly with her, feel the risks of early aviators in Australia, recognise the need for an effective RFDS service to remote Australia and also fall in love with this formidable female in flight. Dianne Wolfer has done a wonderful job at animating Robin’s story and her early death at age 35 seems such a tragedy. Western Australia should be proud of this daughter of the skies who demonstrated to all Australians that determination and perseverance, combined with compassion could make a big difference in our harsh land. Anyone aged 9-14 with an Australian history or aviation interest would love this book and its insights into how individuals could make a difference. Teacher's notes and an activity are available from the publisher.
Themes Flying, Aviation history, RFDS, Robin Miller, Discrimination, Determination, Western Australia.
This is an epic tale of romance and heartache, set with a magnificent Montana backdrop, over the adult life of Charlie, Garrett and Cece (Cecilia). Charlie and Garrett are friends from College days, bonded forever because of the death of another friend, and Cece is set to be Charlie’s ‘for life’ partner. But the taciturn Garrett becomes the spoke in their wheel and shifts the direction of their life just as they are about to set out together. Garrett pursues an environmental career, monitoring the decline of Wolverines (and yes, they are real creatures) from the slopes and forests in Montana. Cece (perhaps with unexpected prescience) seems to lose her mind and changes her direction completely. Charlie, the one who was destined for success, must find a new path that gives him a way forward. Their story is linked to Charlie Margolis’ idyllic family holiday house on the banks of a lake in Montana, near where Garrett lived before they all met. This home and the naturally grand location of original delight keeps bringing them together, even when they seem to have caused incredible pain to one another and destroyed its capacity to charm their future. The next generation too seems to have been infected with the seductive charm of the location, but also the angst and struggle of their forebears, and the passage of years details the slow descent from possibility to heartache. But there are still glimpses of hope amidst the memories and fractures of the past.
This is an adult family saga filled with struggle and the walk alongside environmental decline is a parallel path. The tale is mostly told in a chronologically logical unveiling, but there are occasional fault lines in the progression and the story leaps over chasms of time with little warning. I quite enjoyed these rapid jumps, leaving behind the nitty-gritty of the minutiae to arrive at the next big thing, as this was a surprise with no foreshadowing. There are many sadnesses in the passage of time - relationships that have fraught moments, drug-impacts, memory loss, friends that struggle and the difficulty of forgiving. But despite that there are gems forged from the pressure of the years. Garrett particularly, seems transformed by the slow wheels of time, and there are hints that Charlie too may have found a way to redeem the past. This is not a happy-go-lucky romantic tale, but it is a twisted journey through human struggles. Is love a victim or surprise survivor through the years? Recommended for adult readers who don’t want their romance stories to be syrupy and enjoy dramatic pain in the process.
Themes Romance, Infidelity, Montana, Holiday homes, Family saga, Wolverines, Environmental issues, Dementia, Drug addiction, LGBTIQ characters.
Carolyn Hull
Why are there wars? by Katie Daynes and Mairi Mackinnon. Illus. by Oksana Drachkovska
Usborne, 2024. ISBN: 9781805312710. (Age:5+)
Sadly, in a time when in most countries, it has recently been a time of "peace and goodwill to all", our news bulletins have remained peppered with stories about conflicts around the world, and these events have huge impacts that spread like pebbles in a pond well beyond the ideologies and beliefs of those who begin them.
There would be few schools in Australia where there are not families who have been impacted by war in some way, either by current events or those stretching back into history when previous generations were forced to flee and begin a new life here. And so, no doubt, they have been confronted by the question, "Why are there wars?" from little ones.
As sensitive as the topic may be, Usborne have addressed it in this lift-the-flap book that explains why there are wars, the fact that wars have occurred for centuries, that there are many who work hard to keep people safe, that wars do end and they can be prevented if we work towards a more peaceful world. With carefully chosen words and examples, readers can engage with the answers by lifting the flaps to get a better understanding and these are, in turn, supported by internet links which help parents talk to their children about war as well as ways children can get involved in various projects that can help them be kinder, more understanding, tolerant and accepting of differences. Created with expert advice from a number of experts and in conjunction with the Imperial War Museum, London this is designed to help parents and teachers address the hard questions so that little ones understand such a big-feeling concept at their own level, and unlike previous generations like mine, know that war is not necessarily an inevitable part of their future.
This is one best read with an adult so there can be deeper conversations and explanations, but nevertheless, it has a place in the collection of any school whose students have been touched by such an event in some way.