Come together by Isaiah Firebrace

Australian pop artist Isaiah Firebrace is a proud Yorta Yorta and Gunditjmara man who grew up on the banks of the Murray River. His first picture book, Come Together: Things Every Aussie Kid Should Know about the First Peoples is a wonderful introduction and reflection of First Nations People and their Culture. Perfect for both children and adults.
The book begins with an explanation of Welcome to Country and Acknowledgment of Country. This is followed by information about Ceremonies and their important connection for the author. Fascinating topics are discussed throughout the book and include Oldest Continuing Culture, First Inventions which highlights Ngarrindjeri man David Unaipon, Caring for Country, The Dreaming, Creation Stories, Songlines, Elders, Clans and Languages, Totems, Flags, Seasons, Astronomy, Food, Music and Dance, Yidaki (didgeridoo), Dot Painting, Art, Marngrook which inspired AFL, Significant Annual Events such as National Reconciliation Week and Naidoc Week, and The Stolen Generations.
The bold and vibrant illustrations in earthy tones are by self-taught illustrator Jaelyn Biumaiwai of Mununjali and Fijian ancestry. They are simply stunning and reflect the uniqueness of this very significant publication. There is so much to learn and understand about First Nations People and the strong message in this book is that we can Come Together in harmony. It is imperative that this book is shared amongst all children and the caring adults in their lives. A must for all school, community and public libraries.
Themes: First Nations People and Culture, Living in Harmony.
Kathryn Beilby