Diary of a Tennis Prodigy by Shamini Flint

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Ill. by Sally Heinrich. Allen and Unwin, 2016. ISBN 9781760290887
(Age 6+) Recommended. Themes: Tennis; Humour; Family. Marcus is in turmoil. His father, a writer of motivational books, has found him a new sport to in which to become a success. (Other books by Shamini Flint in this series demonstrate that this is sport #9). Marcus however is very aware that sport is not his strength, but he takes on tennis lessons because he really doesn't have a choice. (Fortunately Marcus mother is able to give advice, even though his father seems blind to Marcus' frustrations.) Marcus is successful at proving that he is not the next Roger Federer! He is able to use his Father's own motivational inspiration to sidestep the impossible route to Tennis stardom!
This series is much loved by younger readers for its humour, and they will enjoy this latest addition to the Diary series. They will also love Sally Heinrich's quirky illustrations of the hapless Marcus and his misadventures on the tennis court. 'Game, Set & Match' to Flint and Heinrich. Flint has targeted the young reader who is avoiding large blocks of text, but still enjoys the opportunity to read a humourous story. Much of the story is told within speech bubbles, so the young reader is learning to read the visual text of the cartoon genre.
Recommended for independent readers aged 6+.
Carolyn Hull