Endure by Carrie Jones

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Book 4. Bloomsbury, 2012. ISBN 781408821190.
'Zara is back from Valhalla after successfully rescuing Nick. Bedford needs their best warrior now more than ever, as the evil pixie regime is causing mass destruction and chaos everywhere. Though Nick's job is clear, Zara's role is a lot more uncertain. She's not just fighting for her friends - she's also a pixie queen. And to align her team of pixies with the humans she loves so much will not be as easy as she hopes. Especially since she can't even reconcile her growing feelings for her pixie king . . .' Publisher.

Comment from reviews of the first 3 books in the series:
Need by Carrie Jones
If you thought that pixies were cute little things with pointed ears, then you are in for a surprise. (Pat Pledger)

Captivate by Carrie Jones
Light, easy to read paranormal. (Pat Pledger)

Entice by Carrie Jones
It is a great book and I think it deserves 10/10 stars.
Amelia Kelly (Student)