Faery Tales and Nightmares by Melissa Marr

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Harper Collins Children's Books, 2012. ISBN 9780007456864.
(Age: 13+) Recommended. For fans of Melissa Marr (bestselling author of the Wicked Lovely series), this collection of short stories will be a delight. It includes twelve original short stories written by Melissa Marr, some themed around the world of Wicked Lovely, and some completely new to the reader.
Faery Tales and Nightmares consists of twelve short stories, however there are too many to review here, so these are some of my favourites.
Where Nightmares Walk: Nothing more than a page and a half, this nevertheless is a spooky intro to the novel.
Winter's Kiss: This tells the story of a princess cursed with icy breath, and a snow bear that sees it as a gift. It reads like a very interesting, traditional fairy tale.
Love Struck: An interesting love story and fairy tale about selkies. A complex storyline, but quite sweet and beautiful.  
The Art Of Waiting: The story of a town that is incased in snow and ice each winter, but melts to beauty in the spring. A man and his daughter come to the town, and the townspeople wait to see if they, like so many others, will leave. Interesting and amusing, this reads much like a poem.
Flesh For Comfort: A disturbing story about a girl willing to do anything for beauty. Easily the most unsettling out of the non-Wicked Lovely themed stories.
The Sleeping Girl And The Summer King: This story was the original inspiration for the Wicked Lovely series.
One extra point to make is the design of the whole novel. The cover is exquisite and each story has a small illustration beforehand, making it all beautiful to look at.
While all the stories are interesting and very well written, the short story Winter's Kiss is the standout here.
I recommend this book.
Rebecca Adams