Family: All that you dream it to be by Byll & Beth Stephen. Illus. by Simon Howe

This delightful new release looks at diverse families living in a neighbourhood. Written by Byll and Beth Stephens, ABC TV musical stars known as the Teen Tiny Stevies, Family: All That You Dream it to Be, is a bright and colourful picture book which gives a snapshot of all kinds of family units. A young girl and her mum ride their bikes around the neighbourhood chatting with the families they know on their journey. There are families with two dads or two mums, a foster family, single parent families with either a dad or a mum, a family with a half sister who flies in from Mexico in her school holidays, a family where Grandma helps out as the mother has passed away, a stay-at-home dad family plus a huge extended family.
This is a joyful celebration of families and a visually appealing book to share with young children.
Themes: Families, Diversity, Neighbourhoods.
Kathryn Beilby