Grandad's Island by Benji Davies

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Simon & Schuster, 2015. ISBN 9781471119958
For many children, losing a grandparent is often their first experience with death and grief. The emotions of this may be openly expressed or may not be so visible to observers. Using a picture book to invite discussion on this topic may be very valuable for either individuals or classes.
There are many quality books that handle the topic of loss with sensitivity and the wise teacher-librarian will usually have quite a collection in order to be ready for the occasions when they are needed.
This new book by Benji Davies examines this topic with a beautiful and gentle grace as the close bond between grandfather and grandson and their final parting is described. The colourful illustrations of his favourite destination underline the 'perfect place' in which Grandad chooses to stay and reassure Syd that Grandad will be happy there.
I also believe this would be an excellent choice to deal with the concerns a child might have about a grandparent going into a care facility.
Watch the book trailer to see a preview and find out more about the award-winning author here.
 Sue Warren