How to get rid of a vampire by J. M. Erre

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Bloomsbury, 2017. ISBN 9781846884221
(Age: 9+) "Zazie has just received a beautiful new notebook, and decides to keep a diary. Brimming with imagination, she writes down her impressions of her cat Roudoudou, her awful cousin Lucas and her new teacher, Mr Labat - who, with his pale skin and blood-red lips, must surely be a vampire! In order to save her life and those of her classmates, Zazie must find a way to get rid of Mr Labat - and what better way than by following the advice found in Bram Stoker's Dracula . . ." (Publisher)
This is an entertaining read that will resonate with those with a wacky sense of humour. The brave and likeable heroine, Zazie will have readers falling in love with her as her imagination takes its course. There is a slight Roald Dahl influence in the story with Zazie making up some words of her own - something that certainly appeals to many children. Many of the audience will be able to connect with the lead character as she is always in trouble at school and at home - simply because adults do not get her!
This is a funny book that would be a perfect fit for both boys and girls aged nine plus. We know that many children love the magical world of vampires and I am sure it will become popular with many.
Kathryn Schumacher