Little Mates Series by Susannah McFarlane and Lachlan Creagh

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Scholastic, 2011.
Messy Mia ISBN 978-1-74283-047-6.
Nervous Nina ISBN 978-1-74283-048-3.
If you love alliteration then this series is for you. Each book takes a letter from the alphabet and an Aussie animal and joins them together to make a story based on the focus letter, for example 'm' in Messy Mia ( a magpie),
'She melts mini meringues in the microwave and mixes melon and marshmallow milkshakes.'
These books are only small, about 14 centimetres square. The colour illustrations comically highlight the actions.
Although the author has tried to make a small story using this alliteration technique, they are more a series of events based on a beginning letter. These books would be more for preschool / JP children but there are some challenging words to discuss i.e. in Nervous Nina are 'nauseous' and 'nonplussed'.
Scholastic describes the series as 26 books based on friendship, for ages 3-8 years.
Jane Moore