Namesake by Adrienne Young

After reading Fable in virtually one sitting, I immediately turned to Namesake, desperate to continue reading about the adventures of Fable and her companions from the Marigold. Once again I was swept into a world of intrigue, sailing ships, diving and dangerous men. Namesake continues on immediately after the cliff-hanger that concluded Fable, with Fable a pawn in Zoya’s evil plans. As she desperately tries to get away, she finds herself immersed in a world where secrets about her father Saint and mother are uncovered and the crew of the Marigold are put into danger.
It is difficult to write too much without giving away the plot, but needless to say, there is adventure galore, gems to trade with, exciting underwater caves to explore and family dynamics to contend with. Descriptions of the simmering romance between Fable and West, make Namesake more suitable for an older audience that Fable, but romance lovers will delight in their relationship. The themes of finding a family and loyalty to friends are also explored as Fable has to work out who she can trust and how she can protect the crew of the Marigold.
Young wraps up the duology in a most satisfying conclusion and readers will be eagerly waiting for the next book that she writes. In the meantime, if they haven’t read her earlier book, Sky in the deep, they will want to pick that up, and may want to read books by Leigh Bardugo, especially Six of Crows.
Themes: Ships, Sailing, Diving, Political intrigue, Families, Adventure.
Pat Pledger