Sir Dancealot by Timothy Knapman

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Ill. by Keith Robinson. Bloomsbury, 2016. ISBN 9781408846995
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Themes: Dancing, Humour, Alliteration/Rhyme, Monsters, Reconciliation. Sir Dancealot lives in times of old and his great skill as a dancer makes him a winner against all opponents (including bogglesnots, beasties and monsters). That is until he meets his match in the light footed and daring Dragon who has mastered the fearsome art of Dance! The Dragon is a formidable competitor and a dance-off . . . on ICE . . . is proposed to find a winner. Who will survive as the winner?
This is a lovely tale with alliteration, rhyme and wonderful illustrations with warts, fangs and dance moves. Friendship is the winner after a dangerous move on the ice creates a sinking feeling for the pirouetting pair. The illustrations are bright, and endearing and bold colours and the silver mirror ball and stars on the cover will cause this to leap from shelves into the waiting hands of young readers.
Carolyn Hull