The eagle inside by Jack Manning Bancroft<br>

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Ill. by Bronwyn Bancroft. Little Hare Books, 2015. ISBN 9781742974699
Highly recommended. Themes: Resilience; Overcoming obstacles; Bullying; Doubt. This is a book for those who doubt their abilities and hear the voices of those who put them down too loudly. It is a delightful simple tale with birds as the central characters. The little honeyeater enters a school contest with the encouragement of the Eagle who sees his inner strength despite the disparaging comments from other birds.
The illustrations by Bronwyn Bancroft are beautiful and her colourful style, influenced by her Aboriginal heritage, is perfect for this tale of hope and growth and rising above the negative voices. Both author and illustrator have created a superb book full of life and colour. The publishers too should be commended for producing a well bound book that should grace every Library shelf, but would also make a wonderful gift for a child.
Carolyn Hull