The not so chosen one by Kate Emery

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As a fan of stories that revolve around schools that teach magic (Deadly education by Naomi Novik, Iron trial by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare, Sorcery of thorns by Margaret Rogerson), the blurb attracted me to The not so chosen one. Lucy is a regular teenager who receives an enrolment into Drake’s College, a school for students with magical abilities. Although she doesn’t think that she has any talent she goes to the school and is soon leading a double life, going to regular classes in the mornings and attending lessons about spells in the afternoons. Not even her mother or best friend know that Drake’s is a school for magic, and she learns to keep silent about it. She is also keeping silent about her unplanned pregnancy.

She becomes friendly with the teacher’s assistant, Jack, and although she can understand her lessons, her magic ability does not materialise. Meanwhile something bad seems to be happening to students and when her classmate Andrea collapses, she decides to investigate who is behind the danger events.

Lucy’s voice is funny and snarky, and it is easy to relate to her feelings about the school and her fellow students. She is also a determined character who wants to uncover the identity of the person who is attacking students. This combination of a school for magic (in Perth!) and a mystery works well and the suspense is kept up right to the surprising conclusion. Lucy’s unplanned pregnancy will also keep the reader questioning about her decisions and secrecy.

I enjoyed the setting and combination of real life and magical school and believe that readers who enjoy the magical school trope will be happy to read The not so chosen one. Book Club notes are available from the publisher.  #LoveOzYA’s Dayna Smith chats to Kate Emery about her novel here.

Themes: Fantasy, Romance, Teenage pregnancy, Mystery.

Pat Pledger