Wordburger by David Astle

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Allen and Unwin, 2015
ISBN 9781760113575
(Age:9+) Highly recommended. Wordburger is an engaging look at the world of words. Children will become word acrobats as they reorganise letters to make new words. They can read chapter 7 to find word origins and investigate words with double meanings. Wordburger will engage any reader who enjoys words and it will be a good book for parents and children to read and talk about together. It is a good book to keep in the car for long road trips or to add to the collection on the toilet windowsill. I have a friend with an eclectic collection of books on her toilet windowsill who would love this one for her collection! It would also be a good book to read to students due to the variety of different chapters and topics. This is highly recommended for anyone who loves finding out about words. Readers aged 9+ will be able to negotiate the different topics easily as it is clearly set out with titles and subtitles, images, captions and little challenges for the readers to complete.
Kylie Kempster